
Mechanics of Laminated Composite Structures

Mechanics of Laminated Composite Structures



CRC Press


ISBN 978-1-032-74694-4


這本書介紹疊層複合材料的力學行為,並提供相關的理論與解決方案。詳細描述了所有基本結構元素,如梁、板和殼。內容還涵蓋複合材料夾心結構和複合材料機翼結構。為了結合實際工程應用並分析更複雜的實際結構,書中還包括數值方法及異向性彈性力學的理論基礎。本書探討的進階主題包括:磁電彈疊層板的明示解;厚疊層板與梁的格林函數;典型厚疊層梁;複材疊層殼的通用理論;疊層夾心梁、板和圓柱殼;含脫層複合材料夾心梁;複合材料機翼結構的建模與分析;異向性彈性力學的複變數理論及相關的格林函數;有限元素法、邊界元素法和無網格法等數值方法。 通過本書,讀者不僅可以學習疊層複合材料結構力學,還能掌握異向性彈性力學理論和一些通用的數值方法。 本教材對於與複合材料力學、複合材料結構以及異向性彈性力學相關課程的高年級學生和研究生來說至關重要,適用於航空太空、機械、土木、船舶工程、應用力學及工程科學等領域。對於從事相關領域工作的工程師以及應用數學家和材料科學家也具有實用價值。


Hwu, Chyan-Bin


This book introduces the mechanical behaviour of laminated composite materials and provides related theories and solutions. All basic structural elements such as beams, plates and shells are described in detail. Further contents include composite sandwich construction and composite wing structures. To connect with practical engineering applications and analyze more complicated real structures, numerical methods and their theoretical basis in anisotropic elasticity are also included. Advanced topics addressed include solutions for magneto-electro-elastic laminated plates; Green’s functions for thick laminated plates and beams; typical thick laminated beams; theory for general laminated composite shells; sandwich beams, plates and cylindrical shells as well as delaminated composite sandwich beams; modelling and analysis of composite wing structures; complex variable theories of anisotropic elasticity and the related Green’s functions; and numerical methods such as finite element method, boundary element method and meshless method. Through this book, the readers will learn not only the mechanics of laminated composite structures, but also anisotropic elasticity and some popular numerical methods. This textbook is vital for advanced undergraduate and graduate students on courses related to the mechanics of composite materials, composite structures, and anisotropic elasticity such as aerospace, mechanical, civil, and naval engineering; applied mechanics; and engineering science. It is also useful for engineers working in these fields and applied mathematicians and material scientists.


