有限元素法 輕鬆上手
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有限元素法 輕鬆上手
李兆芳教授 國立成功大學水利及海洋工程學系 天空數位圖書出版 2020 ISBN 978-957-9119-72-6 |
摘要 本書是作者藉由自己使用這個方法實際的經驗撰寫出來的書籍,在內容上更能清楚介紹也更容易了解,按照本書章節的介紹逐次學習可以 “輕鬆”的學習到有限元素法。本書強調在入門學習而且能夠學習成功。本書內容首先利用一維的例子直接說明有限元素法的原理和作法。接著,二維問題以相當明確的方式由一維問題延伸,更讓入門學習更為有信心和有興趣。另外,除了求解一般控制方程式為兩次微分的問題外,本書也特列專章說明控制方程式為四次微分的樑變形問題的求解。最後,本書也專章說明時間領域問題使用有限元素法求解的作法。本書在各章後面均附上Matlab程式,讓讀者可以仿照建立程式作計算,並確認結果的正確性。我們強烈鼓勵對於有限元素法有興趣或者有使用有限元素法數值模式的認真學習本書,相信一定能夠對於有限元素法有更深一層的了解。
Lee, Jaw-Fang Abstract This book is based on the authors' practical experience, making the content clear and easier to understand. By following the chapters, readers can easily learn the Finite Element Method. The book's content is aimed at beginners and ensures successful learning. It starts with an introduction to one-dimensional problems, including the principles and methods of the finite element method. Two-dimensional problems follow as a direct extension of the one-dimensional ones, allowing learners to progress with confidence and interest. Additionally, the book covers fourth-order differential problems, such as the deformation of beams, in addition to second-order differential problems. Finally, it illustrates the finite element solution procedures for time-dependent problems. At the end of each chapter, MATLAB programs are included so readers can verify their computations. We strongly encourage those interested in the Finite Element Method, or those who need to use numerical models involving it, to diligently study this book. A thorough understanding of the Finite Element Method will be rewarding.