Deterministic Flexibility Analysis; Theory, Design, and Applications

Deterministic Flexibility Analysis; Theory, Design, and Applications
Chang, Chuei-Tin
Department of Chemical Engineering
Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 2018
ISBN 978-1-4987-4816-2
This book presents an introduction to both theoretical and application aspects of flexibility analysis, which is primarily concerned with the task of assigning a sound measure of the operational capability of a given system under the influence of uncertainties. The formal definitions of several available performance indices, their mathematical formulations and the corresponding algorithms and codes are provided in sufficient detail to facilitate concrete implementation. It is therefore appropriate for an industrial reference, a senior level design course or a graduate course in chemical process analysis.
Traditionally, design and control decisions are made in sequential stages over the life cycle of a chemical plant. In the design phase, the “optimal” operating conditions and the corresponding material and energy balance data are established mainly on the basis of economic considerations. In the subsequent step, the control systems are configured to maintain the key process conditions at the fixed nominal values. Because it is often desirable to address the operability issues at the earliest possible stage before stipulation of control schemes, the systematic incorporation of flexibility analysis in process synthesis and design has received considerable attention in recent years. The book focuses to a large extent on computation methods for evaluating deterministic performance measures, i.e., the steady-state, volumetric, dynamic and temporal flexibility indices, in various applications.
Finally, this book is written primarily for those who have a basic knowledge of optimization theory, and its presentation is oriented toward a multidisciplinary audience and thus should appeal to engineers in diversified fields with an interest in producing resilient system designs.