
Capacitance Spectroscopy of Semiconductors


Capacitance Spectroscopy of Semiconductors

Jian Li

Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

National Cheng Kung University

Pan Stanford Publishing, 2018

ISBN 978-981-4774-54-3


     Capacitance spectroscopy refers to techniques for characterizing the electrical properties of semiconductor materials, junctions, and interfaces, all from the dependence of device capacitance on frequency, time, temperature, and electric potential. This book includes 15 chapters written by world-recognized, leading experts in the field, academia, national institutions, and industry, divided into four sections: Physics, Instrumentation, Applications, and Emerging Techniques. The first section establishes the fundamental framework relating capacitance and its allied concepts of conductance, admittance, and impedance to the electrical and optical properties of semiconductors. The second section reviews the electronic principles of capacitance measurements used by commercial products, as well as custom apparatus. The third section details the implementation in various scientific fields and industries, such as photovoltaics and electronic and optoelectronic devices. The last section presents the latest advances in capacitance-based electrical characterization aimed at reaching nanometer-scale resolution.



    電容譜技術通過量測元件電容對頻率、時間、溫度和電壓的變化來獲取有關半導體材料,半導體結和介面的電學特性。 本書共有15章,由國際知名專家撰寫,分為四部分:相關物理、儀器原理、應用領域、新興技術。第一部分建立理論框架來將電容(及電導、電納、阻抗等相關概念)和半導體的電學光學特性連結起來。第二部分檢討電容量測所使用的市售電子儀器及客製儀器的工作原理。第三部分討論電容譜技術在各自然科學和工程領域的應用,如太陽光電、電子元件、光電元件等。第四部分列舉電容譜技術在奈米尺度空間解析電學量測方面的最新進展。
