
ISBN 978-986-96887-7-2
本書期望以不同面貌呈現海岸工程,課程內容包括網路上相關海岸工程的影片動畫連結和說明。藉由動態方式呈現,相對於過去靜態圖片說明有很大的創意。同時,也利用網路衛星影像或者空照圖看到整個海岸變化,也相當有助於海岸整體現象的了解。本書內容包括波浪、流、地形變化、海岸線模式、以及港池振盪和潮汐分析,強調概念和清楚的表示現象,同時也藉由範例說明實際用來計算的結果。課程實際的了解和計算則建議利用Desmos來達到對數學表示式的了解和動態呈現,另一方面也建議使用MIT App Inventor 2將海岸工程使用到的公式建置成手機App計算。本書的學習內容基本上仍然為物理現象的概念,強調藉由流體力學的基礎,配合工程數學的方法求解分析。本書除了海岸基本水力學,也是很好的流體力學和工程數學的複習和應用。
In this book, the way of presentation of “Coastal Engineering” is dynamic, which is quite different from the traditional static presentation. A lot of motion pictures collected from the internet are adopted. Moreover, satellite images or aerial photos are used to show entire coastal line changes providing more realistic understanding than ever before. The contents include wave, current, topography change, coastline model, harbor oscillation, and tidal analysis. Basic concept and clear presentation are emphasized, and practical examples are used to demonstrate computational results. Demos is recommended to use, and its dynamic results can help understanding mathematical expression. On the other hand, MIT App Inventor 2 is also suggested to establish App for mobile phones. The basic contents from this book are physical concepts using fundamental fluid mechanics and mathematical analysis. Therefore, this book provides also a good review to fluid mechanics and engineering mathematics in addition to basic coastal hydraulics.