
The Dragon in the Cockpit-How Western Aviation Concepts Conflict with Chinese Value Systems


The Dragon in the Cockpit

How Western Aviation Concepts Conflict with Chinese Value Systems

                    Hung-Sying Jing, Professor
    National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, R. O. China

                  Allen Batteau, Professor
           Wayne State University, Michigan, U.S.A

Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2015, ISBN 978-1-4724-1030-6


  In The Dragon in the Cockpit, Jing and Batteau provide a new perspective on the differential successes of Chinese and Western civil aviation, in the contrasting cosmologies and value systems of China and the West. The Western cultures that invented the airplane and created global air transport networks are individualistic, egalitarian, and linear in their thinking. By contrast, Chinese culture is relationship-oriented, hierarchic, and figurative. These differences at times have tragic consequences. As currently designed, a modern airliner is a crew-served device, and flying it safely depends on a high degree of coordination among the flight crew. This is so important that an entire training discipline, “Crew Resource Management” teaches assertiveness, task-sharing and other communication skills to flight crews. Assertiveness, however, is a foreign concept in a hierarchic culture, and several accidents have resulted from junior officers failing to correct obvious errors by their seniors.

  The situation becomes even more complicated with the addition of flight management systems to virtually all modern airliners. These systems are essentially computers that fly the airplane, and their programming embodies the logic of the Western engineers who designed them. The complexities created by European and North American airlines; when one adds the cultural and linguistic differences between East and West, the sources of misunderstanding skyrocket.

In The Dragon in the Cockpit, Jing and Batteau examine the most important differences between the Chinese and Western cultures and value systems in flight operation, especially since China is becoming one of the most prominent forces in commercial aviation. Can such vastly different perspectives be overcome by rigorous training, strong management, professionalism, and a strong cooperative culture? Jing and Batteau give you their insights in this magnificent book!

The book could not be more timely as aviation becomes increasingly international and with it the need for professionals to understand cultural forces and how they can affect aviation safety. Jing and Batteau provide superb insights into eastern and western cultural influences, and how Confucian perspectives differ from those of the West. This book would be a welcome addition to anyone with an interest in cultural differences, aviation safety, and human factors.





