ISBN 978-986-378-028-1
生質物的能源化在人類文明演化中佔著極為重要的角色,從史前時代人類的鑽木取火,時至今日科學昌明,生質能的開發依舊深受矚目。由於化石燃料蘊藏量日漸耗竭,加之全球氣候變遷加劇,促使近年來能源問題快速浮上檯面。全球生質能的使用量僅次於石油、煤炭及天然氣,是世界上第四大初級能源,在再生及綠色能源中則高居首位,且應用範圍廣泛,涵蓋已開發、開發中或未開發國家。由於國內目前生質物與生質能相關書籍付諸闕如,本書乃針對生質物與生質能等知識進行說明,為國內第一本生質物與生質能書籍。本書內有 11 章,包含綠色能源、生質物特性、固態、液態與氣態燃料轉換與應用、及微生物燃料電池之說明。本書亦廣泛網羅本土相關生質能資訊,對台灣生質能開發現況、規劃及未來展望加以闡述,以期擴展讀者生質能源相關知識與視野。
Biomass played an important role in the progress of civilization and is still crucial at the present time. On account of progressive exhaust of fossil fuels and deteriorated global warming, the development of energy becomes a noticeable issue. Currently bioenergy is the fourth largest energy Nowadays bioenergy is the fourth largest primary energy source which is just preceded by oil, coal, and natural gas. This implies, in turn, that bioenergy is the biggest renewable and green energy so far and employed widely. This book includes eleven chapters, consisting of the illustrations of green energy, the characteristics of biomass, conversion technologies of solid, liquid and gas biofuels from biomass. Moreover, the current status of development, the planning and the outlook of bioenergy in Taiwan is also addressed for the purpose of establishing readers’ bioenergy knowledge and vision.