Hillslope Hydrology and Recharge
Hillslope Hydrology and Recharge
Hsin-Fu Yeh
Department of Resources Engineering
National Cheng Kung University
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2014,
The temporal and spatial distributions of precipitation are extremely uneven, so making careful management of water resources in Taiwan is crucial. However, assessing groundwater resources in mountainous basin is challenging due to limited information. Therefore, it is important to thoroughly understand the groundwater resources of Taiwan in order to enhance the efficiency and performance of their planning, utilization, administration, and management. Very limited information, such as precipitation, river flux, hydro-geological properties, groundwater consumption, and groundwater recharge, is available for the mountainous basin of Taiwan. The assessment and planning of groundwater resources is particularly difficult for the mountainous basin of Taiwan. The principal objectives of this book are to investigate the groundwater resources in mountainous basin through a set of detailed case studies. This book is mainly divided into three major parts including: (1) groundwater recharge estimation; (2) groundwater recharge potential zone mapping; and (3) groundwater recharge characteristics evaluation. Evaluating the hillslope hydrology can help determine the groundwater recharge characteristics in Taiwan's mountain region for the goal of water resource protection.
臺灣地區雨量豐沛,但時空分布不均,因山地陡峭,河川坡陡流急,逕流量被攔蓄利用率偏低,以致臺灣水資源相對匱乏。臺灣山區佔全島面積的三分之二,為臺灣平原地區地下水資源的重要補注來源區域,但是面對評估山區地下水蘊含量及補注量現況所需之地質與水文地質等基本調查資料,卻相當匱乏。由於山區地下水水資源深受水文地質之影響,水文地質特性顯著地影響山區地下水的水位變化、地下水流動補注、地下水水質及地下水的蘊含量,而臺灣在山區地下水資源之規劃或評估工作,欠缺有系統的基本水文地質資訊作為參考依據。造成評估或規劃臺灣山區地下水資源之課題更為艱鉅。臺灣山區地下水資源不足之問題日益顯著,更甚者為全島之山麓區域地下水井水位資料均顯示了水位逐漸下降之趨勢,為山區地下水資源減少之嚴重警訊。本書以流域作為案例研究主要分為三大主軸,分別為 (1)流域地下水補注量推估;(2)流域地下水補注潛勢能區劃分;(3)流域地下水補注特性評估。流域水文的調查可幫助瞭解山區地下水補注特性以進行水資源保育工作,以達到資源永續利用之目標。