Decoding the Mechanisms of Antikythera Astronomical Device
Decoding the Mechanisms of Antikythera Astronomical Device
J.L. Lin, H.S. Yan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
National Cheng Kung University
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2016, ISBN 978-3-662-48445-6, ISBN 978-3-662-48447-0 (eBook)
Antikythera mechanism, dated between 150 and 100 BC, is known as the oldest astronomical calculator. This geared instrument is decoded to display the date of Egyptian calendar, to demonstrate the motions of the Sun, the Moon and five planets on the Zodiac, to calculate the luni-solar calendar, and to predict the occurrence times of eclipses. However, owing to the damage of excavation, the incomplete interior structure cannot serve the exterior functions perfectly. Thus, the purpose of this work is to reconstruct all possible design concepts of interior structures of Antikythera mechanism systematically. The relevant historical archives and existing reconstruction designs of Antikythera mechanism are reviewed. The western astronomy, the geometrical theories for the motions of heavenly bodies and the development of astronomical instruments with similar functions are investigated to define the required design specifications for each subsystem of Antikythera mechanism. A systematic approach for the reconstruction designs of Antikythera mechanism is presented. Based on literature survey, the required design constraints are concluded. In accordance with the concepts of generalization and specialization, all feasible design concepts that are consistent with the technique standards and science theories of the subject’s time period are synthesized. Two feasible design concepts of the calendrical subsystem are synthesized. Two feasible design concepts of the lunar subsystem are synthesized. Three examples of the lost subsystem for the solar motion are synthesized respectively with two, one and one feasible design concepts. Two examples of the lost subsystem for the planetary motions are synthesized respectively with one and three design concepts. Then, the relationships to evaluate the feasible teeth in each design concept are formulated. In addition, through the evaluation of combinations, 48 reconstruction designs for the interior structure of Antikythera mechanism are created. The reconstruction design approach developed in this work synthesizes all feasible design concepts of Antikythera mechanism. It is logical to infer that one of the reconstruction designs should be the original model of mechanism, before the discovery of new excavated evidence. And, the book offers valuable new insights for all readers who are interested in the Antikythera mechanism, especially for research and education.