
加拿大蒙特婁理工大學Polytechnique Montréal

加拿大蒙特婁理工大學 Polytechnique Montréal

交流方案一 Program I: International Thematic Clusters in Engineering (ITC)
  • 限工學院及電資學院在校生
  • Registered in final years of an engineering degree or currently pursuing graduate studies in a discipline that is related to one of the thematic clusters as described International Thematic Clusters in Engineering brochure(.pdf).
  • Minimum academic average: 2.5/4.
  • Although no official English language proficiency certificate is required, students must have a competency sufficient to succeed in university-level engineering courses and submit assignments in English;
  • Each candidate must be nominated for 2 Clusters.  We will endeavour to place candidates in their 1st choice but may need to defer to their second if high enrollment demands it;
名額 5名/年
交流期程 ITC are only offered in the Fall term (late August to late December, including final exams)
本院申請期限 31 January 2024
Nominated period & deadline: January 15 to March 15, 2024
Application period: February 1 to April 1, 2024
補助資訊 We are pleased to inform you that the Study in Canada Scholarships (SCS) competition is now open and that Taiwanese students are eligible! Scholarship values vary depending on the duration and level of study:
  • CAD 10,200 for college, undergraduate or graduate students (Master's and PhD) for a minimum of four months or one academic term of study or research;
  • CAD 12,700 for graduate students (Master's and PhD) for a period of five to six months of research.
  • Apply separately to the SCS scholarship by following the guidelines and filling out the on-line application form available on the following link before March 10, 2024.
其他資訊 姐妹校網頁資訊:
See the online information (brochure and fact sheet) for eligibility criteria, application procedures, financial arrangement, etc.


交流方案二 Program II:
Research internship program (conducted in English or French) - research stay
  • Be enrolled in a university-level engineering or scientific credit program (engineering training, bachelor’s degree, master's degree, doctorate*)
  • Find a Polytechnique Montréal professor who is will agree to supervise your internship.
名額 --
交流期程 --
本院申請期限 --
補助資訊 We are pleased to inform you that the Study in Canada Scholarships (SCS) competition is now open and that Taiwanese students are eligible! Scholarship values vary depending on the duration and level of study:
  • CAD 10,200 for college, undergraduate or graduate students (Master's and PhD) for a minimum of four months or one academic term of study or research;
  • CAD 12,700 for graduate students (Master's and PhD) for a period of five to six months of research.
  • Apply separately to the SCS scholarship by following the guidelines and filling out the on-line application form available on the following link before March 10, 2024.
其他資訊 姐妹校網頁資訊:
  • In order to be eligible for a research internship at Polytechnique Montréal, you must find a professor working in your field of interest who is willing to accept you as an intern at a time that is convenient for you and for the desired duration.

See the online information for eligibility criteria, application procedures, financial arrangement, etc.
