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Visit to Swinburne University of Technology, Australia in April 2018.


International collaboration and interchange are crucial issues for further development of our College of Engineering in face of stiff global competition. In order to increase our international competitiveness and visibility, and to improve our university ranking worldwide, we must strengthen our international collaborative relationship with those best world ranking universities. For attaining the goal, Dean Woei-Shyan Lee led a visiting group with two Associate Deans and an administrative staff as group members, i.e. Der-Her Lee, Jyh-Ming Ting and Wei-Chen Chen, for a six-day visit to three renowned universities in Japan, namely Tokyo Institute of Technology; Kyoto University and Kobe University, and our visit is fruitful. We initiated undergraduate exchange, dual degree graduate programs, as well as some academic research exchanges, and created joint programs for professional courses and workshops. Moreover, a Memorandum of Understanding with Kobe University for exchange students programs has also been signed smoothly. It was concluded that the visiting aims were successfully achieved.

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